Forever your little one

Created by Chloe one year ago
Every sing along in the van where you get all the words wrong and we scream at the top of our lungs just because we can. 
Countless belly laughs people watching and me telling you off for pointing and being super obvious - nothing subtle about you. 
Your endless knowledge about anything & everything but still calling the Internet “on the line”. 
When you confused “Hugh Jackman” with “Gene Hackman” in the Greatest Showman - still cracks me up thinking about it now!
Never actually ordering what you want to eat at the drive thru because it’s easier to just say “make that two”. 
Picking Mum up from work when I was small and you letting me stand on the seats and stick my head out the sunroof. 
Coming home from work to find you ironing to the venga boyz wearing your dressing gown and a beanie indoors because you didn’t want to turn the heating on.
Your Baked Alaskas will never be replicated! 
All the mums at school fancying you even though I accidentally told them you were 10years older than you actually were. Seeing who can eat the most doughnuts without licking our lips and getting sugar all over the car. 
Wrestling when I was little and hanging off the bed by your chest hair and you pretending it didn’t hurt. 
Teaching me how to drive and not freaking out when I hit all the curbs. 
Getting your plastering skills out to ice mums Christmas cakes. 
Countless memories, an incredible childhood and the most supportive Dad you could possibly imagine.
I will miss you forever and always, you are my hero and the greatest Father a Daughter could have wished for. I can only hope to make memories like ours with Arthur. He will grow up knowing the brave, strong, generous, lovable, funny, dependable man his Grandad was.
Your little one.
